Frequently asked questions....
What can I do with my digital caricature?
You can download the caricature and use it into your files. It is also possible to install the caricature as a wallpaper on pc or mac.
Is it possible to have more than one person on a caricature?
That is possible, but limited. You can order in the studio a multiple caricature in stead of a single caricature. Please ask us what's possible.
Is it possible to have a caricature of the person with his profession or hobbies?
Yes, we can draw a person as a complete figure together with additional specific details, house, car, et cetera.
Is it possible to print out the caricature and send it to me by mail or have it printed on a mug or shirt?
Yes, we have a special shop where we sell products on which your caricature can be printed.
Some ideas:
- nicely framed in a frame of your choice
- printed on a T-shirt, handkerchief or mouse pad
- printed on a mug or tile
Look at our funny products at and ask us for a special offer.
*Attention: Some products are only available in The Netherlands and Belgium.
What about the copyright on the caricatures?
Personal use is free. For any commercial or professional use, please read the legal chapter on this site carefully; see 'conditions'.
For what time will the caricatures be online?
It is our goal to keep the caricatures online for as long as Company Comics exists.
How can I contact Company Comics?
Ask your event agency or get in touch with us by email
